All one in Christ Jesus


The Tasmanian Christian Convention was previously the Tasmanian Keswick Convention.

The convention is held each year at Camp Clayton near Ulverstone in northwest Tasmania, in the week following Boxing Day. Since 1875, when the first Keswick Convention was held in Keswick, England, the influence of it’s message has been felt over the Christian world.

The convention promotes Biblical teaching and places a strong emphasis on a deeper spiritual life. If you’re looking for strong Bible teaching in an evangelical context, the convention is for you. Gifted speakers and teachers deliver challenging messages throughout the week. Teaching occurs at every level through Primary, High School and Adult group meetings.

The convention provides both a holiday and an opportunity to hear God’s Word in fellowship with Christians from around Tasmania and interstate.

Who is it for?

Everyone. The convention caters for all ages, and provides accommodation to suit all situations. The convention is held at Camp Clayton, near Turner’s Beach on the northwest coast of Tasmania.

The convention is inter-denominational, and has an evangelical outlook with a strong emphasis on biblical teaching. Historically the convention has taken as mottos both “All One In Christ Jesus” and “Bible Teaching For All”. The convention is for anyone who wants to learn more about God and his message for man.